Essensia Carrière Coaching is a network organisation made up of 30 experienced and expert advisers and psychologists. Our specialism lies in harmonising the goals of both employers and employees. Essensia Carrière Coaching distinguishes itself by its result-oriented approach. In our view you can only achieve an optimum result with commitment from the parties concerned, clearly defined starting points, unambiguous agreements and the right encouragement. We adopt a ‘no nonsense’ approach in the form of individual and outspoken coaching dialogues. We also use objective measuring tools in order to achieve the pre-agreed result. The essence of our service lies in matching and developing employees’ qualities to what the organisation or the labour market requires. We thereby prefer to work on a ‘no cure less pay’ basis. We want to be rewarded for the result that we achieve!

What do Essensia Carrière Coaching’s services offer you as an employer?

  • Better harmonisation of the needs of the organisation and the employee
  • Committed and motivated employees
  • Improved productivity
  • More prospects for employees inside or outside the organisation
  • More guidance for management regarding the development of employees
  • Cost savings (fall in absenteeism and staff turnover)

What do Essensia Carrière Coaching’s services offer you as an employee?

  • Insight into your unique qualities, wishes and career possibilities
  • Enhanced self-confidence
  • Insight into factors that are holding you back and ideas for dealing with them
  • Prospects inside or outside your current organisation
  • If necessary you can get active help with job-seeking
  • Better able to shape your future career pro-actively and independently
  • Inspiration, motivation and action

The Essensia advisers

Our advisers have extensive experience of assisting target groups at junior, middlemanagement and senior level. The advisers’ professionalism is assured by the following memberships, licences and codes of conducts, amongst other things:

  • NOLOC Netherlands order of career advisers, outplacement consultants and career coaches
  • NVP Dutch Association for Personnel Management and Organisation Development
  • CMI Career Management Institute
  • NIP Netherlands Institute of Psychologists