Career Coaching

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The overall objective of a Career Coaching is to enhance your deployability and your employability. An increasing number of workers want to stop and take stock of their career at some point: to review, evaluate, set fresh objectives, make choices and move on to -new- matching responsibilities and activities. New activities which may involve training or an educational course, but can also mean an adjustment to their career path or an entirely fresh venture.


  • Employees who want to increase their personal and professional effectiveness
  • Employees who have taken or intend to take a career step
  • Employees who will benefit from coaching (on the job) during their first months in a new post
  • Employees where the sought competencies are potentially present but could be strengthened
  • Employees in a new post where other competencies are needed


This program results in a strengthened self-image and ability to self-steer. The outcome is the greatest possible optimisation of the talents present, an improvement in personal effectiveness and/or mastering new competencies more quickly. Appropriate decision regarding the next careerstep.

If this program includes an assessment, there will also be an assessment report which gives an insight into personality, interests, affinities and capabilities.



This program consists of individual coaching dialogues possibly combined with an assessment. The employee is also coached for personal effectiveness and/or receives assistance in finding an appropriate next career step. One important element of the coaching dialogues is the combination of insight-providing coaching at competency-oriented skill level. The dialogues are tailored to the employee and are aimed at increasing insight/knowledge and professional skills, linked to cases from the employee’s working practice and making appropriate career decisions.


  • Individual Coaching sessions
  • Assessments
  • Research in personality, motivation and capacities
  • Practical exercises / Work-simulations
  • Job matching, Application support
  • LinkedIn / Social media
  • Homework assignments
  • Active help with job-seeking
  • Starting your own business
  • Managementcoaching


2 – 4 months